Identity and address of the person responsible for your personal data.
In compliance with the principles of legality, quality,
information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA
S.A DE C.V. with address at Boulevard Industrial No. 301, Col. Eduardo Ruiz, C.P. 60130
Uruapan, Michoacán; Hereinafter "CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA", informs all our clients,
employees, suppliers, distributors and third parties; that your personal data collected
indirectly or personally, will remain under your protection and protection; who
respectfully for the human rights enshrined in our Magna Carta and in terms of articles
15 and 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and
its Regulations, makes this Privacy Notice available to you.
Personal data that is collected and that will be subjected to treatment.
CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA personally or directly by any
electronic, optical, sound, visual means, or through any other technology; either
through our offices and administrative staff; via telephone; through the website; mobile
apps; emails;
You can mainly collect personal data such as: a) name (s) and surnames; b) email address; c) telephone numbers; d) addresses (fiscal, work and / or private); e) ID and Federal Taxpayers Registry code; f) unique population registry key; g) social security number; h) Driver's license number; i) Voter code; j) Date of birth.
Likewise, all holders of Personal Data are informed that in no
way we handle Sensitive Data that could reveal aspects of racial or ethnic origin,
present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and
moral beliefs, union affiliation, opinions politics, sexual preference; For this reason,
they must refrain from providing data of this nature or nature..
Purposes for which your personal data is collected and used.
The primary purposes applicable to Personal Data will be: a)
to identify you as a client and / or legal representative, employee, supplier,
distributor or third party; b) evaluate it; c) prepare documents, quotes, contracts,
agreements, invoices, online digital tax receipts (CFDI), receipts and other documents
derived from the relationship; d) storage; e) evaluate the quality of products and / or
services offered to us; and, f) comply with the terms and conditions that we have
established with you.
The secondary purposes applicable to Personal Data will be: a)
statistics; b) marketing; and, c) prospecting. d) advertising.
Options and means to limit its disclosure.
The confidentiality of Personal Data is guaranteed and
they are protected by administrative, technical and / or physical security measures, to
avoid damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure; The
Personal Data is in an internal database, whose administration is through access codes
that are modified periodically and whose access is limited only to authorized personnel,
with whom a confidentiality agreement has been signed, among others..
Exercise of Arco rights
They are informed that as owners of personal data they have
the right to access, rectify and cancel their Personal Data, or to oppose their
treatment (as a whole, ARCO Rights). To do this, it is necessary for the owner of the
Personal Data or her representative to submit a written request addressed to the
Administrative Management of CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA or, by email sent to with subject "ARCO Rights Request ”.
The request must contain the following information: I. The name of the owner and address or email, in which CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA communicates the response to your request; II. The documents that prove the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner; III. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which it is sought to exercise any of the aforementioned rights; IV. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data; V. In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the owner must indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports his request; and I saw. Signature of the person signing the application.
To respond to your request with the determination adopted, CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA will have a period of 20 twenty business days from the date of the acknowledgment of receipt of the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of your personal data. If the request is appropriate, it will become effective within 15 fifteen business days following the date on which the previous response was communicated to you. These terms may be extended only once and for an equal period, when the circumstances of the case warrant it. The delivery of information will proceed after proof of your identity or your legal representative, as appropriate.
Transfer of personal data.
CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA is a company dedicated to the
production, marketing, import and export of all kinds of products derived from the
handling of cocoa and sugar, such as table and bar chocolates, powdered chocolate, cocoa
paste, industrial products and services. of maquila. Consequently, Personal Data may be
transferred to subsidiaries, affiliates, affiliates, controllers, business partners,
within the national territory for the same purposes mentioned.
Likewise, it may be transmitted to advisers in legal,
accounting and / or tax matters, tax authorities, banking institutions and any other
that is necessary to fulfill the purposes that contacted us.
Similarly, we inform you that, if necessary, CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA may share your personal data with suppliers, distributors and / or staff of our company in order to provide an effective service; ensuring to all holders that their Personal Data will be protected under various instructions for its use, security measures and confidentiality that prevent its disclosure.
CHOCOLATERA MOCTEZUMA reserves the right to modify its
Personal Data Protection Policy and / or this Privacy Notice at its sole discretion. If
the Privacy Notice is modified, it will be publicly posted on your website and / or notice of said modification will be given to the holders of
personal rights through the email you provide to the company..